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Welcome Back!

Hello kids and parents to my very insightful blog for MAD educational skills!

And... drumroll please... I have BIG news to share...

I have decided to homeschool my kids this year! WHAT?! AM I CRAZY?!

Well, not only have I been tutoring your kids for 15 years, but also my own, so it's not a total leap of faith for us. My kids are used to a learning atmosphere at home too with all the tutoring I do at home since they were babes! I told my husband, Steve, if the kids have to do distance learning this fall, I'm out! I will just take over their curriculum and we will continue old fashioned schooling with books for learning. Haha that rhymed!

So, I will document that journey at if you are interested in getting to know me and my family, please join us. I will try and be consistent, but I do have a lot of balls I'm juggling. However, I do believe we can achieve anything with a PLAN! I will start putting up some notes up on this blog to help you kids out. Anyway, I love how Kramer is still freaking out up there! Luvu Later! Tika


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