Life coaching will help develop our emotional health, which will be fruit to all other aspects of our life.
We understand the difficulties you as parents are facing daily on nurturing your little baby into becoming spirited young adults who are excited about all the opportunities they have to flourish in life. However, you may be at a bump in the road where you and your child are not seeing eye to eye on daily tasks, school performance, attitude, and goals? Is your child feeling overwhelmed by academic and environmental stress?
At CarpeDiem, we understand that emotional well-being is just as important as academic success. That's why we offer personalized parent and teen life coaching to help you reconnect with your child. Tika has been an academic and life coach for parents and teens for the last 20 years. She understands that there are times in every parenting journey you need an ally, another trusted mother who you can confidentially lean on to understand the challenges of parenting and help develop a plan to improve their future trajectory. When our children's needs are met, they are happy, content, and giving. However, when things are off balance, they can become irritable, defensive, and insecure. Emotional Intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to understand, cope, and communicate feelings in a calm, respectful, and honest way. This is what we will bring to your relationship and improve the trajectory of your child's life. Book a consultation today.
~Tika Haake, Owner

tikatime Parent & Teen Life coaching is aimed to develop:
parent and child connectedness
better relationships and friendships
respect and manners
faith and hope
positive self image and confidence
managing school/social anxiety
future goals and college prep
developing healthy habits
holistic living
how can life coaching help my TEEN?
I know this may sound crazy because I am an academic tutor, but I believe EQ (emotional intelligence) is more important than IQ (academic importance). EQ is our ability to know our emotional self and be able to communicate and project ourselves in a respectful and understanding way. It is really hard to focus on the academics, if our children's EQ is out of balance. It's hard for us adults to do the same and manage our family and work relationships. Then add everyone's hormones into the mix! I know. It's tough to be a real person!
We have a lot of things to sort our in our family, and sometimes you need a confidential ally to get things back on track and make a plan to create a more successful future in not only work or academics, but also relationships. Having another responsible, experienced adult could be very helpful to you and your child's support system. Tika only takes on a limited number of families every year to work with as this is a very depthful and exclusive service. Please fill out this APPLICATION to tell us more about your needs and if we are able to help you.
Don't hesitate to call Tika directly if you have any questions.