Tutoring is not for solving problems, it's for preventing them.
We have been private tutoring for over 15 years. Our tutors have expertise in many academic subjects, along with patient and caring personalities to give your child individualized attention. We use a holistic approach to engage your child, find problem area, give motivation, instill confidence, and provide a fun, relaxed atmosphere.
We always go above and beyond what our client's thought was possible for their child's grades and growth.
Numerous studies show tutoring outside the classroom is the most effective way to build a strong amplitude and drive success in their academic content. Even the best classroom teacher can never give each student the individual attention they need. When students don't get their specific questions answered, they start falling behind, get further lost in the course, feel immense anxiety, and quite often feel like it is their fault! This is never the case! A good education takes some individualized effort, expert teaching, and patience.
Good one-on-one tutoring, on the other hand, is always tailored to exactly the right pace for each student. Tutors can hone in on the exact ideas and strategies that will really raise their students' scores. And beyond all that, working with a CDA tutor helps students grow their EQ and character and enjoy their sessions, because it is tailored to their personal needs.
private tutoring packages
6 private tutoring sessions
Grade management for 1 class
Individualized success plan
Planning and organization
Grade monitoring
Teacher Correspondence
Access to Google Classrooms
Video Tutorials & Notes
Life coaching support
ADHD support
10 private tutoring sessions
Grade management for 1 class
Individualized success plan
Planning and organization
Grade monitoring
Teacher Correspondence
Access to Google Classrooms
Video Tutorials & Notes
Life coaching support
ADHD support
at some point in every student's life, you need tutoring.
A great academic career is much like this principle of stacking rocks. The strongest and biggest is at the bottom, and the subsequent are strategically placed with care. This philosophy, whether dealing with academics or life habits, leads to more motivated young adults who are in control of their education, future, and self confidence.
common courses we tutor
Algebra 1 is like learning how to walk... it is one of those foundational skills. With the skill of walking, you can jump, jog, skip, and so on. That's how Algebra 1 works! With a great foundation in it, you can master Geometry, Calculus, Physics, Chemistry and so much more!
biology is the an introductory science class for anyone looking to pursue the medical field. Learning how to effectively memorize and understand the processes is the cornerstone of being successful in the medical field.
Algebra 2 may be the most challenging math class in your child's high school career (many kids come to CDA for A2 help!). Algebra 2 builds on all mathematical and linear algebra concepts of Algebra 1, along with introducing non-linear graphing and trigonometry. The first semester of this class will expand on their Algebra 1 knowledge and parabolic functions. Second semester will be spent on graphing rational and trig functions. This course is a great foundation to higher mathematical courses in college (especially when pursuing math majors).
Geometry builds on Algebra 1 and invites new knowledge of triangles and circles. These two shapes are imperative in the understanding the world around us, along with the space outside our planet. With a strong foundation in geometry, students can continue to learn Physics and Chemistry.
Pre-calc/calc builds on the second semester of Algebra 2 and digs deeper into trigonometry, changing/derivative functions, limiting functions, and more Trig graphing.
ELA & Writing is crucial to any career. No matter what idea you have, what problem you are solving, what process you are developing, you need to communicate it with clarity. I love grammar rules and helping them develop a vocabulary people can actually understand. Diving into sentence structure rules will help guide them in how to make an already great paper, even better.
Chemistry will be full of information more challenging to grasp and has LOTS of math! A great math foundation is imperative to do well in this class. Students will learn about the amazing molecular world around (and in) us. This is a foundational science course and should be given ample time to learn and review.
physics is Tika's favorite subject! As my students know, I go on and on about this class. It will give kids a glimpse into the unseen forces around us and outside of our planet. These forces are a code of LAW we are bound to every single day. This class can be challenging to students, but don't shy away from it. It is absolutely necessary in understanding the world and space around us. Also, this is another foundational science class which needs lots of time for study and review.
Anatomy/physiology is a class you honestly need a study buddy for. It is chock FULL of terms and processes relating to our incredible human body, which you are required to memorize. Students usually get overwhelmed quickly from the pace and amount of information they are responsible for. I will be very helpful as their study buddy!
aP Courses will give your child a glimpse into the speed and independent learning of a college course. I do not recommend taking an AP course unless you are organized and can dedicate time to getting an A in the class.